Gambling Addiction
Gambling is a significant public health issue in Australia, with approximately 80,000 to 160,000 adults (0.5–1.0% of the population) experiencing severe problems related to gambling. Additionally, another 250,000 to 350,000 adults (1.4–2.1% of the population) face moderate risks, making them vulnerable to developing gambling-related problems.
Support services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
Gambling Help- external site opens in new window: 1800 858 858
- Gambling Addiction
- Gambling Participation in the Australian Adult Population
- Key Findings:
- Implications:
- Figure 1: Gambling among Australian adults in the past 12 months, 2024
- Figure 2: Gambling among Australian adults in the past 12 months, by gender, 2024
- Figure 3: Changes in gambling participation from age 16–17 years (2016) to age 18–19 years (2018) in Australia
- Figure 4: Total real gambling expenditure/net losses ($ billion) in Australia, by product, 2001–02 to 2019–20
- Figure 5: Per capita real gambling expenditure/net losses in Australia, by product, 2001–02 to 2019–20
- Figure 6: Total real gambling expenditure/net losses ($ billion), by state and territory, 2001–02 to 2019–20
- Figure 7: Levels of at-risk gambling among Australian adults who gamble, by age and gender, 2024
- Figure 8: At-risk gambling among Australian adults who gamble, by product and frequency (less than weekly, at least weekly), 2024
- Figure 9: Changes in at-risk gambling among Australian adults who gamble, 2015 and 2018
- Figure 10: Distribution of gambling-related harm by domain
- Warning Signs of a Problem Gambler
- Impact of Gambling Addiction on Mental and Physical Health
- What Causes Gambling Addiction?
- Treatment Options for Gambling Addiction
- Strategies To Help In Recovery from a Gambling Problem
- Prevention Methods to Avoid Relapse
- Where do I go for more information?
- Gambling Participation in the Australian Adult Population
Gambling Participation in the Australian Adult Population
In 2022, the Australian Gambling Research Centre (AGRC) conducted an online general community panel survey to explore gambling participation and related harm among Australian adults (AGRC 2023).
Key Findings:
1. Prevalence of Gambling:
- Three in four Australians (73%) aged 18 and over reported spending money on one or more gambling products in the past 12 months.
2. Most Popular Gambling Products:
- Lotteries/Scratchies: The highest participation rate, with 64% of adults engaging in these activities.
- Race Betting: This includes horse, greyhound, and harness racing, with a participation rate of 39%.
- Sports Betting: Engaged in by 34% of the population.
- Poker Machines/‘Pokies’: Participated in by 33% of adults.
3. Gambling Diversity:
- Among those who reported gambling in the past 12 months, the average number of different gambling products used was two.
- Notably, around one-quarter (23%) of respondents reported gambling on six or more different products.
The widespread participation in various forms of gambling highlights the need for continued monitoring and intervention strategies to mitigate the potential harm associated with gambling activities. Understanding the diverse range of gambling behaviors can help in developing targeted public health initiatives and support services for those at risk.This page aims to:
- improve understanding of gambling participation and expenditure in Australia
- describe gambling-related impacts on health and wellbeing
- highlight emerging gambling trends and opportunities for improved monitoring.
Data on gambling trends should be interpreted in the context of recent global events and changes to some state and territory data collections. This includes:
- changes in the availability of gambling in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic and related government restrictions, with land-based gambling venues temporarily closed and major national and international sporting codes suspended. Individual state and territory governments implemented and eased restrictions at different times during 2020 and 2021 (for more detail see ACMA 2022, Biddle 2020, Jenkinson et al. 2020).
- changes to gambling policy and legislation in Australia by state and territories (see Section 3 of latest Australian Gambling Statistics- external site opens in new window report by the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office (QGSO))
- changes to the way wagering (see glossary) is taxed by Australian state and territories (see Table 1 of the latest Australian Gambling Statistics- external site opens in new window report by the QGSO).
Figure 1: Gambling among Australian adults in the past 12 months, 2024

- Data was collected as part of an online general community panel survey conducted in July 2022. Sample consisted of 1,765 Australian residents aged 18 years and over, aligned with ABS population parameters of age, gender and location of residence (metro and non-metro).
- Recent (past 12 months) gambling participation was derived from responses regarding frequency of involvement in 13 types of gambling activities, including: Sports betting; Horse race betting; Greyhound race betting; Harness race/trots betting; Lotteries or scratchies; Keno or bingo; Poker machines (pokies); Casino table games (e.g. blackjack, poker); Online casino games; eSports; Fantasy sports; Novelty betting; and Virtual sports (see definitions of gambling activities in the glossary).
- The research was conducted by the Australian Gambling Research Centre in partnership with ORIMA Research and the Online Research Unit (ORU).
Source: Community Attitudes Survey (Australian Gambling Research Centre 2023).
This interactive data visualisation shows the proportion of Australian adults who spent money gambling in the past 12 months (72.8%). Lotteries/scratchies were the product with the highest participation (63.8%), followed by horse racing (38.1%), sports (33.8%), poker machines (33.4%), keno/bingo (29.4%), greyhound racing (24.4%), harness racing (22.5%), casino table games (22.4%), novelty betting (17.2%) and online casino games (17.2%). Around 1 in 5 (18.5%) spent money gambling on other activities.
Figure 2: Gambling among Australian adults in the past 12 months, by gender, 2024

Figure 3: Changes in gambling participation from age 16–17 years (2016) to age 18–19 years (2018) in Australia

Figure 4: Total real gambling expenditure/net losses ($ billion) in Australia, by product, 2001–02 to 2019–20

Figure 5: Per capita real gambling expenditure/net losses in Australia, by product, 2001–02 to 2019–20

Figure 6: Total real gambling expenditure/net losses ($ billion), by state and territory, 2001–02 to 2019–20

Figure 7: Levels of at-risk gambling among Australian adults who gamble, by age and gender, 2024

Figure 8: At-risk gambling among Australian adults who gamble, by product and frequency (less than weekly, at least weekly), 2024

Figure 9: Changes in at-risk gambling among Australian adults who gamble, 2015 and 2018

Figure 10: Distribution of gambling-related harm by domain

Support services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
Gambling Help- external site opens in new window: 1800 858 858
Lifeline- external site opens in new window: 13 11 14
Seduced by the allure of a potential windfall, millions of people around the world are ensnared in the grip of gambling addiction. Often referred to as compulsive gambling or pathological gambling, this severe mental health disorder can have devastating consequences, wreaking havoc on finances, relationships, and overall wellbeing. Those with gambling addiction find themselves obsessively chasing after money through activities such as sports betting, lottery playing, card games, penny slots and casino games – unaware that these pursuits may ultimately lead to greater losses than gains. Individuals battling this affliction may find themselves losing more than just their hard-earned cash; it could mean sacrificing homes and cars as well.
Gambling addiction doesn’t affect everyone in the same way, but some common risk factors can increase the likelihood of developing a severe problem. Genetics may be to blame; if you have family members who struggle with compulsive behavior, you could be more vulnerable. Your environment can also contribute; if you live close to casinos, your odds of addiction go up. And if you’ve experienced a life crisis, trauma can create an emotional dependence that leads to full-blown addiction. Anxiety and depression can make things worse, further fueling your addictive tendencies and making it harder to break free from the grips of gambling.
For those struggling with a gaming addiction, the path to liberation lies in seeking professional help. From therapy sessions with psychologists and psychiatrists to support groups tailored to compulsive gaming, there are available treatment programs that can help individuals break free from the bonds of their addiction and lead them towards a life of greater fulfillment. By addressing underlying issues such as unresolved pain from past experiences, these programs can equip those suffering with effective coping mechanisms and healthy habits that will support them on their journey towards recovery. With dedication and determination, it is possible for anyone affected by this illness to reclaim control over their lives and find true relief.
Warning Signs of a Problem Gambler
For some, gambling is just an enjoyable pastime. But for millions of others, it’s a dangerous habit that can quickly spiral out of control. Problem gambling is a recognized mental health disorder with devastating effects, and it can affect people of any age. If you or someone you love is an avid gambler, it’s important to be aware of the warning signs. In this blog post, we’ll uncover the telltale clues that could point to a potential problem with gambling. From constantly chasing losses to financial struggles and social isolation, these red flags should never be overlooked.
1. Loss of control: Problem gamblers may find it difficult to stop gambling even when they want to, and may continue to bet more money in an attempt to make up for prior loss.
2. Chasing losses: Often, a gambler will try and recoup losses by increasing their bets with hopes of winning back the money they lost.
3. Preoccupation with gambling: A problem gambler may become increasingly preoccupied with thoughts of gambling and finding ways to gamble more frequently or in larger amounts.
4. Unmanageable debt: In extreme cases, a person with a gambling addiction can accrue unmanageable levels of debt due to their activities and be unable to get out from under this financial burden easily, if at all.
5. Neglecting important commitments: A person struggling with problem gambling may begin missing work or school commitments in order prioritize their urge for betting or gaming activities over other responsibilities they have taken on.
6. Abandoning relationships: Friendships and family relationships can suffer as a result of problem gambling; loved ones might feel neglected because the individual is focusing so much on wagering instead of spending time with them regularly.
7. Risk-taking behaviours: Problem gamblers often engage in risk-taking behaviours which could put themselves, as well as those around them, in harm’s way. These actions could range from driving recklessly while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, to taking part in criminal activities related to money laundering.
Impact of Gambling Addiction on Mental and Physical Health
Gambling addiction is a sinister beast, lurking quietly until it wreaks havoc on one’s mental and physical wellbeing. It can masquerade as harmless fun, but the reality is that it can have devastating effects, leaving a person in ruins.
Mental Health Effects
Gambling addiction can be a mental health catastrophe, leaving those afflicted with a toxic tangle of anxiety, depression, guilt, and shame. It can cause individuals to recklessly spend their hard-earned money on gambling, leading to financial strain and an inability to keep up with bills. It can also bring about a sense of loneliness and isolation, compounding the problem even further.
Physical Health Effects
When it comes to gambling addiction, not only does it take a toll on one’s mental health, but it can have devastating consequences on their physical well-being too. The compulsive urge to gamble can lead to a lack of attention towards taking care of one’s body: exercise and healthy eating are often neglected, resulting in unhealthy weight gain and various other health issues. Furthermore, sleep deprivation is a common outcome of gambling addiction, which can have serious consequences for the person’s physical state.
Relationship Problems
The consequences of gambling addiction can be felt far and wide, leaving a particularly devastating impact on relationships. Loved ones of those suffering from this destructive compulsion often feel lost and overwhelmed, leading to significant strain and, in some cases, full-blown ruptures. Lies and deception are also common in these situations, with trust eroded by the depths of the addiction.
Financial Troubles
Gambling addiction can be a financial nightmare, leading to insurmountable debt and an inability to keep up with the bills. With each spin of the wheel, roll of the dice, or bet placed, addicted gamblers can find themselves in a cycle of debt that leads to difficulty securing loans, bankruptcy, and financial ruin.
What Causes Gambling Addiction?
Gambling addiction, also known as compulsive gambling or pathological gambling, is an impulse-control disorder that affects millions of people around the world. Although it can be difficult to pinpoint an exact cause of gambling addiction, there are several contributing factors that increase an individual’s risk for developing this condition. These include biological factors such as genetic predisposition; psychological factors such as a history of emotional trauma or stress disorders; environmental influences like a lack of healthy coping skills and readily available opportunities to gamble; and social pressures like peer influence and marketing messages from the gaming industry.
Biological causes may involve brain chemistry imbalances that contribute to impulsive behavior, while psychological sources may relate to unresolved issues from traumatic childhood experiences or difficulty managing stress in adulthood. Problem gamblers often feel a desire for constant excitement and thrills derived from taking risks with their money.
Environmental causes may include living close to casinos or other places where it’s easy to access gambling activities, or being exposed to family members who have suffered from similar addictions themselves. Social pressures can come in the form of support networks among peers who share similar behaviors, aggressive marketing practices by online gaming websites targeting vulnerable populations (such as college students), and unrealistic depictions on TV shows normalizing problem gambling behavior.
Treatment Options for Gambling Addiction
Gambling addiction is an insidious, powerful force that has ensnared millions of people across the globe. For those it has snared, the urge to gamble can be overwhelming and resistant to change; as a result, their lives can be drastically altered – from strained relationships and financial difficulties to criminal behaviors. But there is hope! With comprehensive treatment tailored to the individual, gambling addiction sufferers can learn to break free from the chains of this destructive habit and reclaim control of their lives.
1. Psychotherapy:
Psychotherapy is the primary treatment for gambling addiction. It can help the individual address underlying issues and develop strategies to cope with their cravings without engaging in risky behaviors. In particular, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been found to be particularly effective in treating those struggling with gambling addiction. CBT helps individuals learn how to identify triggers that lead them to gamble and how to create healthier coping strategies when faced with these triggers.
2. Medication:
Medication may be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for gambling addiction in some cases, though it is not usually recommended as the sole form of treatment for this condition. Some medications commonly used are anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, stimulants and antipsychotics which can all help reduce symptoms associated with problem gaming such as impulsivity, agitation and depression. These medications may also relieve certain withdrawal symptoms experienced when an individual stops gambling completely or reduces their involvement significantly.
3. Self-Help Groups:
Self-help groups like Gamblers Anonymous provide peer support from others who are going through similar struggles related to problem gaming behavior and display knowledge about compulsive betting issues in order to assist members on their journey towards recovery from a gambling disorder. Supportive family members or friends can also join self-help meetings so that they too can better understand what their loved one is going through and provide appropriate assistance during difficult times of relapse prevention or temptation management while going through recovery from a compulsive betting habit/addiction issue.
4. Lifestyle Changes:
Making lifestyle changes such as reducing stress levels by developing healthy habits like exercising regularly; keeping track of time spent playing online games; limiting access to funds specifically designated for recreational activities instead of being used on bets/gambling activities; writing down pros & cons associated with continuing this behavior before making any decisions regarding participation in this leisure activity – all serve as useful tools involved in the process of overcoming.
Strategies To Help In Recovery from a Gambling Problem
Gambling addiction is a serious problem that can wreak havoc on an individual’s life. It is associated with financial, social, and psychological consequences that can be devastating not only to the affected gambler but also to their family and loved ones. Fortunately, there are ways to help in recovery from a gambling problem. If you or someone you know is struggling with a gambling addiction, these strategies can help.1. Admit the Problem
1. Admitting that there is a problem
It is essential to acknowledge that gambling has become problematic and that it is taking over one’s life. Admitting the problem is not easy, but it is the first step towards healing. Accepting responsibility for the consequences of one’s actions is also key to recovery.
2. Seek Professional Help
Seeking professional help is the next step in the recovery process. One can start by seeking support from therapists, counselors, or addiction specialists. These professionals can help the gambler deal with the psychological and emotional problems associated with gambling. They can offer individual therapy, group therapy, and even family therapy to help the gambler and their loved one’s cope.
3. Participate in Support Groups
Joining a support group for gambling addiction can be helpful in many ways. These groups provide a safe and non-judgmental environment where people can share their experiences, seek advice, and receive support from others who are going through the same struggles. Support groups also offer tips and strategies on how to overcome gambling addiction, and they are an excellent way to stay motivated throughout the recovery process.
4. Set Limits
Setting limits is an essential strategy for individuals in recovery from a gambling addiction. This includes setting limits on the amount of money spent on gambling, the time spent gambling, and avoiding high-risk situations and triggers. It is crucial to establish a budget and stick to it, and avoid chasing losses by making impulsive decisions. Setting limits also involves finding alternative ways to spend time that is not associated with gambling.
5. Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle
Embracing a healthy lifestyle is essential in the recovery process. This involves eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, avoiding drugs and alcohol, and engaging in activities that promote relaxation and stress relief. Individuals in recovery should also focus on rebuilding relationships with their loved ones and repairing the damage that gambling has caused.
6. Celebrate Successes
Celebrating successes is essential in the recovery process. It is crucial to acknowledge and celebrate milestones and successes, no matter how small they are. This can boost one’s self-esteem and motivation, and it reminds them of the progress they have made towards recovery.
Prevention Methods to Avoid Relapse
Gambling can be an enjoyable pastime for some, but for those battling gambling addiction, it can become a destructive force. Compulsive gambling brings with it serious consequences that can damage relationships, finances, and even the gambler themselves. But there is hope! Taking proactive steps towards preventing relapse is a key part of recovery. In this blog post, we’ll investigate some of the strategies that can help you remain on the road to sobriety and put your gambling habit behind you for good.
1. Identify triggers: People with a gambling problem should take the time to identify situations, people, and environments that could trigger a relapse. It is important to know what factors lead to an urge in order to be better able to stay away from them and make healthy choices instead.
2. Avoid potential relapse triggers: Taking measures can help prevent temptations by staying away from areas where gambling activities are available as well as resisting offers or invitations from family members or peers who have also engaged in the same habits.
3. Develop healthy alternatives: Find alternative activities which can serve as healthier replacements for gambling such as meditation, yoga, running, art therapy etc., Focusing on hobbies and other interests can provide structure and a break from daily stressors which may contribute towards relapse prevention.
4. Seek professional help: Talking with a therapist will enable individuals work out negative emotions such as anger, guilt or shame due to their experience with gambling problems. Additionally seeking the support of friends and family who understand one’s journey can help foster motivation for recovery while minimising feelings of isolation that could facilitate relapse.
5. Identify signs and symptoms of compulsive behavior: Individuals should be aware of any signs they might exhibit when their urges start resurfacing again such as impulsivity in behaviour; habitually lying; over thinking gambling strategies; spending more money than usual; visiting places associated with previous episodes; talking obsessively about past experiences etc,.Being conscious of these red flags helps one recognize possible pre-relapse signs before it is too late thereby avoiding higher risk situations.
What is gambling addiction?
Gambling addiction is a mental health disorder characterized by an uncontrollable urge to gamble, even when the individual recognizes that continued gambling can have serious personal and financial consequences. It is also referred to as compulsive gambling or pathological gambling.
What are the signs and symptoms of a gambling addiction?
Signs and symptoms of a gambling addiction may include lying about how much money has been gambled away, borrowing money (or not paying debts) in order to gamble, feeling desperate for another win after losing money, having difficulty controlling urges to gamble, sacrificing leisure activities or other interests in order to spend more time and/or money on gambling, jeopardizing or losing important relationships due to excessive gaming behavior, seeking help from multiple organizations without success, experiencing legal problems due to unpaid bets or debts accrued through betting activities.
How does someone get help for a gambling problem?
There are many options available for someone with a gambling problem who wishes to get help including self-exclusion programs which allow individuals who feel they’re unable to resist their urges related to wagering; counseling services such as psychotherapy; support groups; Gamblers Anonymous meetings; professional financial advisors; free online tools like the National Council on Problem Gambling’s GPS tool; lifestyle changes such as reducing stress levels and engaging in healthy behaviors like exercise or yoga instead of participating in risky gaming activities.
What happens if I stop taking my prescribed medication for my addiction?
If you have been prescribed medication specifically for treating your compulsive behaviourbut stop taking it abruptly it may lead further dependency issues as well as withdrawal symptoms like mood swings and depression which could actually worsen your underlying condition rather than improve it over time so be sure consult with your doctor prior before making any drastic decisions regarding use of prescription.
Where do I go for more information?
For more information on gambling, please see:
- Australian Gambling Research Centre Gambling participation, experience of harm and community views- external site opens in new window
- Australian Institute of Family Studies Gambling in Australia during COVID-19- external site opens in new window
- Australian Institute of Family Studies The link between video games and gambling- external site opens in new window
- Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts Harms associated with loot boxes, simulated gambling and other in-game purchases in video games- external site opens in new window
- National Gambling Trends Study (Gambling Trends Study- external site opens in new window).